Professional Team專業團隊
﹛齒顎矯正專科﹜劉人文醫師 / Eric Liou D.D.S. , MS

| 主治專長
| 學經歷
| Professional Education
1. DDS, School of Dentistry, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan, 1980~1986
2. Orthodontic program, Department of Craniofacial Orthodontics Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, 1990-1993
3. Graduate program in Surgery, Graduate School, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA, 1995-1997. Degree: MS
4. Craniofacial orthodontic fellowship program, The Craniofacial Center, Department of Surgery, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA, 1995-1997
| Dental Licensures
Taiwanese Dental License
| Board Certification in Orthodontics
Taiwanese Board of Orthodontist
| Employment Records
1. Associate Professor, Department of Orthodontic and Craniofacial Dentistry, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
2. Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Craniofacial Medicine, Chang Gung University, Taoyaun, Taiwan
3. Visiting Professor, Department of Orthodontics, Showa University, Tokyo, Japan
4. Director, Department of Craniofacial Orthodontics, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, 1999-2006
5. Vice Chairman, Faculty of Dentistry, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, 2008-2012
6. Chairman, Faculty of Dentistry, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, 2012-2017
| Professional Affiliations
1. Member of Taiwan Association of Orthodontists
2. Member of Taiwanese Association of Cleft lip/palate and Craniofacial Anomalies
3. International member of American Association of Cleft Lip and Palate and Craniofacial Anomalies
4. International member of World Federal Organization of Orthodontists
5. International member of American Association of Orthodontists
6. Advisory member of the World Implant Orthodontic Association
| Service for Professional Affiliations
1. Director of Publication Committee, Taiwan Association of Orthodontists, 2007-2008
2. Director of Academic Committee, Taiwan Association of Orthodontists, 2009~2010
3. Director of International Development Committee, Taiwan Association of Orthodontists, 2011~2014
4. Deputy President, Taiwan Association of Orthodontists, 2013~2014
5. President, Taiwan Association of Orthodontists, 2015~2016
6. Director, Taiwanese Board of Orthodontists, 2017~2018
7. Senior Advisor, Taiwan Association of Orthodontists, 2017~now
8. ECM, Taiwanese Association of Cleft lip/palate and Craniofacial Anomalies, 2003~now
9. President, Taiwanese Association of Cleft lip/palate and Craniofacial Anomalies, 2007~2009
10. Advisor of Advisory Committee, World Implant Orthodontic Association, 2008~now
11. President, World Implant Orthodontic Association, 2012~2016
12. Secretary General, Would Implant Orthodontic Association, 2018~now
13. ECM, Asian Pacific Orthodontic Society (APOS), 2017~now
14. Auditor, Asian Pacific Orthodontic Society, 2017~2018
15. Editor in Chief, APOS Trends in Orthodontics, 2020~
16. Vice President, Asian Pacific Orthodontic Society, 2018~2020
17. President, Asian Pacific Orthodontic Society, 2020~
| Awards and Honors
1. Dewel Award, Best clinical article in American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 1998
2. Best Paper Award, American Society of Maxillofacial Surgeons (ASMS) and Plastic Surgeons, 2000
3. Scholarship Award, the 5th Asian-Pacific Cleft Lip & Palate conference, 2003
4. Best Paper Award, Taiwan Association of Chemical Engineering, 2010
5. Honorary Member, Bangladesh Orthodontic Society, 2017~
6. Honorary Member, Egyptian Orthodontic Society, 2018~
7. Honorary Member, South African Society of Orthodontists, 2018~
8. Honorary Member, Thai Association of Orthodontists, 2020~
| Professional innovative Patents
【 8 items of US or Taiwanese patents, such as 】
1. Dental distractor for rapid canine retraction, US patent no. 6217323, 2001-2021,Taiwan patent no. 150689, 1999-2009
2. Intraoral maxillary protraction spring, US patent no. 6273713B1, 2001-2021,
3. 2-hinged rapid maxillary expander, US patent no. 6334771B1, 2002-2022
4. Yin-Yang archwire for the correction of occlusal canting, Taiwan patent no. M399702, US patent no. 8485817B2, 2013~2030
| Academic Publications
【 A. 76 Journal paper publications (1997-2020) 】
1. Polley JW, Figueroa AA, Liou EJ, Cohen M. Longitudinal Analysis of Mandibular asymmetry in Hemifacial Microsomia. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 1997;99:328-339.
2. Liou EJ, Huang CS, Chen YR, Figueroa AA: Validity of using fixation screws/wires as alternative landmarks for cephalometric evaluation after LeFort I osteotomy. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics. 1997;112:1-6.
3. Liou EJ, Huang CS. Rapid canine retraction through distraction of the periodontal ligament. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1998;114:372-382.
4. Liou EJ, Polley JW, Figueroa AA. Distraction osteogenesis: The effects of orthodontic tooth movement on distracted mandibular bone. J Craniofac Surg 1998;9:564-571.
5. Liao YF, Huang CS, Liou EJ, Lin WY, Ko EW. Premaxillary size and craniofacial growth in patients with cleft and palate. Chang Gung Medical J 1998;21:391-396.
6. Huang CS, Ko EW, Lin WY, Liou EJ, Hung KF, Chen YR. Mandibular lengthening by distraction osteogenesis in children: a year follow-up study. Cleft Palate Craniofac L 1999;36:269-74.
7. Cho BC, Lee JH, Baik BS, Liou EJ, Figueroa AA, Cohen M. Distraction osteogenesis of free interpositional membranous bone: experimental design. J Craniofac Surg 1999;10:123-7.
8. Liou EJ, Figueroa AA, Polley JW. Rapid orthodontic tooth movement into distraction osteogenesis in a canine model. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2000 Apr;117(4):391-8.
9. Liou EJ, Chen KT, Huang CS, Chen YR. Interdental distraction osteogenesis and rapid orthodontic tooth movement: a novel approach to approximate a wide cleft or bony defect. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2000 Apr;105(4):1262-72. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2000 Apr;105(4):1262-72.
10. Liou EJ, Chen LI, Huang CS. Nickel-titanium mandibular bonded 3-3 retainer: For both permanent retention and solving relapse of the mandibular anterior crowding. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2001;119:443-9.
11. Liou EJ Tsai W, Lin WY, Ko EWC, Liao YF. Premaxillary orthopedic intrusion with distraction devices in bilateral cleft lip and palate patients: a case report. J Taiwan Assoc Orthod 2001; 13: 48-57
12. Lu CS, Ko EWC, Huang CS, Hu LR, Liou EJ. Reliability of orthodontic imaging software in predicting soft tissue of patients with bimaxillary protrusion. J Taiwan Assoc Orthod 2001; 13(1): 6-11
13. Chen SP, Liao FY, Huang CS, Liou EJ. Comparison of lip repair and palatal repair on craniofacila growth in cleft patients. J Taiwan Assoc Orthod 2001; 13(1): 12-16
14. Huang CS, Liao FY, Liou EJ, Lin WY, Ko EWC. Using cranial vault in superimposing lateral cephalogram. J Taiwan Assoc Orthod 2001; 13(1): 35-40.
15. Lin JCY, Liou EJ, Liao JL. The survey and evaluation for the implant-assisted orthodontics. J Taiwan Assoc Orthod 2001; 13: 14-22.
16. Huang CS, Tsai WC, Liou EJ. Current orthodontic treatment on cleft lip and plated patient. J Taiwan Assoc Orthod 2001; 13(3): 30-34.
17. ChenYL, Lin WY, Liou EJ, Huang CS. Treatment of hemifacal microsomia by mandibular distraction osteogenesis-a case report. J Taiwan Assoc Orthod 2001; 13(1): 45-51.
18. Huang CS, Wang WI, Liou EJ, Chen YR, Chen PK, Noordhoof MS. Effects of cheiloplasty on maxillary dental arch development in infants with unilateral complete cleft lip and palate. Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 2002 Sep;39(5):513-6.
19. Tsai WC, Liou EJ, Huang CS. A new type of rapid palatal expander. J Taiwan Assoc of MaXillofac Surg 2002; 14:39-46.
20. Lin JCY, Liou EJ, Liao JL. Is Miniscrew a stationary orthodontic anchorage? Or is it just a stable anchorage? J Taiwan Assoc Orthod 2002; 14(2): 47-52.
21. Lin JC, Liou EJ. A new bone screw for orthodontic anchorage. J Clin Orthod 2003; 37:676-682.
22. Liou EJ, Chen KT. New orthodontic and orthopedic managements on the premaxillary deformities in patients with bilateral cleft before alveolar bone grafting. Annals of the College of Surgeons of Hong Kong 2003;7:73-82.
23. Wang YC, Ko EWC, Liou EJ, Chen YL, Huang CS. The application of pendulum appliance for Class II malocclusion in an adolescent patient – a case report. J Taiwan Assoc Orthod 2003; 15:56-63
24. Lu CS, Liou EJ, Huang CS. The effect of pendulum device in growing patient : effective or overtreat?-a case report. J Taiwan Assoc Orthod 2003; 15: 51-59.
25. Tsai WC, Liou EJ. A new rapid palatal expander/protraction springs for the correction of maxillary hypoplasia on cleft lip and palate patients. J Taiwan Assoc Orthod 2003; 13: 28-36.
26. Lin JCY, Liou EJ, Liao JL, Pai B. The use of OMAS bone screw at a new implant site for maxillary orthodontic anchorage. J Taiwan Assoc Orthod 2003; 15(1):17-22.
27. Liou EJ, Chen KT. Premaxillary orthopedic intrusion with distraction devices before alveolar bone grafting in bilateral cleft lip and palate patients. Plast Reconstr Surg 2004:113:818-26.
28. Liou EJ, M Subramanian, Chen KT, Huang CS. The progressive changes of nasal symmetry and growth after nasoalveolar molding: A three years follow up study. Plast Reconstr Surg 2004; 114:858-64.
29. Liou EJ, Pai BC, Lin JC. Do miniscrews remain stationary under orthodontic force? Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2004;126:42-7.
30. Liou EJ, Tsai WC. Maxillary protraction: a repetitive weekly protocol of alternate rapid maxillary expansions and constrictions. Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 2005;42:121-7.
31. Liou EJ. Effective maxillary orthopedic protraction for growing Class III patients: a clinical application simulates distraction osteogenesis. Prog Orthod. 2005;6(2):154-71.
32. Pai BC, Ko EW, Huang CS, Liou EJ. Symmetry of the Nose After Presurgical Nasoalveolar Molding in Infants With Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate: A Preliminary Study. Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 2005 Nov;42(6):658-663.
33. Liou EJ. An innovative technique for maxillary protraction in Class III growing patients: The effective maxillary orthopedic protraction. J Clin Orthod 2005;39:68-75.
34. Chen PK, Noordhoff MS, Liou EJ. Treatment of complete cleft lip-nasal deformity. Seminars in Plastic surgery, 2005;19(4):329-41.
35. Lin JC, Liou EJ, Yeh CL. Intrusion of overerupted maxillary molars with miniscrew anchorage. J Clin Orthod 2006;40:378-83.
36. Ho CT, Heller F, Lo LJ, Liou EJ, Huang CS, Chen YR. Distraction osteogenesis in adolescents with maxillary arch deficiency and dental crowding: a 3-year follow-up. Plast Reconstruc Surg 2006;117:2337-46.
37. Huang CS, de Villa GH, Liou EJ, Chen YR. Mandibular remodeling after bilateral sagittal split osteotomy for prognathism of the mandible. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2006;64:167-72.
38. Liou EJ, M Subramanian, Chen KT. Progressive changes of the columella length and nasal growth after nasoalveolar molding in bilateral cleft patients: A three years follow up study. Plast Reconstruc Surg 2007;119:642-8.
39. Liou EJ, Chen PS, Wang YC, Lin JC. A CT scan study on the thickness of infrazygomatic crest of maxilla and its clinical implications for implant orthodontics. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2007;131:352-6.
40. Huang CS, Pandurangan H, Liao YF, Ko EW, Liou EJ, Chen PKT. Long-term Follow-up After Maxillary Distraction Osteogenesis in Growing Children With Cleft Lip and Palate. Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 2007;44:274-7.
41. Lin JC, Liou EJ, Yen CL, Evans C. A comparative evaluation of current orthodontic miniscrew systems. World J Orthod 2007;8:136-44.
42. Wang YC, Liou EJ. Comparison of the loading behavior of the self-drilling and pre-drilling miniscrews throughout orthodontic loading. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2008 Jan;133(1):38-43.
43. Ho CT, Lo LJ, Liou EJ, Huang CS. Dental and skeletal changes following surgically assisted rapid maxillary anterior-posterior expansion. Chang Gung Med J. 2008 Jul-Aug;31(4):346-57.
44. Huang CT, Wang YC, Huang CS, Liou EJ. Maxillary Displacement after Rapid Maxillary Expansions – An Animal Study. J Taiwan Association of Orthodontists 2008;20:19-31
45. Tsai WC, Huang CS, Lin CT, Liou EJ. Dentofacial Changes of Combined Double-Hinged Rapid Maxillary Expansion and Protraction Facemask Therapy. J Taiwan Association of Orthodontists 2008;20:5-18
46. Hsu MJ, Tsai WC, Liou EJ. Dentofacial Changes of Combined Double-hinged Rapid Maxillary Expansion and Protraction Facemask Therapy– A Case Report. J. Taiwan Assoc. Orthod. 20(2): 42-53, 2008
47. Wang YC, Chang PMS, Liou EJ. Opening of Circumaxillary Sutures by Alternate Rapid Maxillary Expansions and Constrictions. Angle Orthod 2009;79:230-4
48. Liou EJ, Chen PKT. Intraoral Distraction of Segmental Osteotomies and Miniscrews in Management of Alveolar Cleft. Seminars in Orthod. 2009;15:257-267.
49. WU HJ, Huang LL, Chen SW*, Liou EJ, Lee YT. Surface characterization of anodized dental archwires and miniscrews. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 2009;40:563–572.
50. Liou EJ, Chang PM. Apical root resorption in orthodontic patients with en mass maxillary retraction using miniscrew anchorage. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2010;137:207-12.
51. Chang CS, Por YC, Liou EJ, Chang CJ, Chen PK, Noordhoff MS. Long-term comparison of four techniques for obtaining nasal symmetry in unilateral complete cleft lip patients: a single surgeon's experience. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2010 Oct;126(4):1276-84.
52. Lin JC, Liou EJ, Bowman SJ. Simultaneous reduction in vertical dimension and gummy smile using miniscrew anchorage. J Clin Orthod. 2010 Mar;44(3):157-70
53. Yu CC, Chen PH, Liou EJ, Huang CS, Chen YR. A Surgery-first approach in surgical-orthodontic treatment of mandibular prognathism--a case report. Chang Gung Med J. 2010 Nov-Dec;33(6):699-705.
54. Chien-Hao Chen, Haruhisa Nakano *, Eric J.W. Liou, Koutaro Maki. A cone beam computer tomographic study of the cortical bone thickness in different class II facial patterns. Orthodontic Waves. 2010;69:131-37.
55. Chen PK, Por YC, Liou EJ, Chang FC. Maxillary distraction osteogenesis in the adolescent cleft patient: three-dimensional computed tomography analysis of linear and volumetric changes over five years. Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 2011 Jul;48(4):445-54.
56. Liou EJ, Chen PH, Wang YC, Huang CS, Chen YR. The surgery-first accelerated orthognathic surgery: Part I, the orthodontic guidelines and setups for model surgery. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 69:771-780, 2011.
57. Liou EJ, Chen PH, Wang YC. The surgery-first accelerated orthognathic surgery: Part II, the postoperative rapid orthodontic tooth movement. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 69:781-785, 2011.
58. Chang CS, Liao YF, Wallace CG, Chan FC, Liou EJ, Chen PK, Noordhoff MS. Long-Term Comparison of the Results of Four Techniques Used for Bilateral Cleft Nose Repair: A Single Surgeon's Experience. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2014 Dec;134(6):926e-36e.
59. Wilmes B, Ngan P, Liou EJ, Franchi L, Drescher D. Early class III facemask treatment with the hybrid hyrax and Alt-RAMEC protocol. J Clin Orthod. 2014 Feb;48(2):84-93.
60. Chang CS, Wallace CG, Pai BC, Chiu YT, Hsieh YJ, Chen IJ, Liao YF, Liou EJ, Chen PK. Comparison of two nasoalveolar molding techniques in unilateral complete cleft lip patients: a randomized, prospective, single-blind trial to compare nasal outcomes. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2014 Aug;134(2):275-82.
61. Lin JC, Tsai SJ, Liou EJ, Bowman SJ. Treatment of challenging malocclusions with Invisalign and miniscrew anchorage. J Clin Orthod. 2014 Jan;48(1):23-36.
62. Teng GY, Liou EJ. Interdental osteotomies induce regional acceleratory phenomenon and accelerate orthodontic tooth movement. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2014 Jan;72(1):19-29.
63. Kim SH, Ahn JP, Zadeh HH, Liou EJ. Osteogenic biomaterials in contemporary dentistry. Biomed Res Int. 2015;2015:945320.
64. Chen PK, Por YC, Liou EJ, Chang FC. The effect of cleft maxillary distraction osteogenesis on the levator veli palatini and velopharyngeal function. J Craniofac Surg. 2015 May;26(3):687-90.
65. Chou SH, Tung YC, Lin YS, Wu LS, Lin CP, Liou EJ, Chang CJ, Kung S, Chu PH. Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events in Treated Periodontitis: A Population-Based Follow-Up Study from Taiwan. PLoS One. 2015 Jun 26;10(6):e0130807.
66. Seong-Hun Kim, Jae-Pyung Ahn, Homayoun H. Zadeh, Eric J. W. Liou. Osteogenic Biomaterials in Contemporary Dentistry. Biomed Res Int. 2015; 2015: 945320.
67. Liou EJ. The development of submucosal injection of platelet rich plasma for accelerating orthodontic tooth movement and preserving pressure side alveolar bone. APOS Trends in Orthod 2016;6:5-11.
68. Chang CS, Wallace CG, Hsiao YC, Chiu YT, Pai BC, Chen IJ, Liao YF, Liou EJ, Chen PK, Chen JP, Noordhoff MS. Difference in the Surgical Outcome of Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate Patients with and without Pre-Alveolar Bone Graft Orthodontic Treatment. Sci Rep. 2016 Apr 4;6:23597.
69. Mei-Chi Chang, Yi-Ling Tsai, Eric Jein-Wein Liou, Chia-Mei Tang, Tong-Mei Wang, Hsin-Cheng Liu, Ming-Wei Liao, Sin-Yuet Yeung, Chiu-Po Chan, Jiiang-Huei Jeng. Effect of Butyrate on Collagen Expression, Cell Viability, Cell Cycle Progression and Related Proteins Expression of MG-63 Osteoblastic Cells. PLoS One. 2016; 11(11): e0165438.
70. Chitravelu Siva Subramanian, N. K. K. Koteswara Prasad, Arun B. Chitharanjan, Eric Jein Wein Liou. A modified presurgical orthopedic (nasoalveolar molding) device in the treatment of unilateral cleft lip and palate. Eur J Dent. 2016 Jul-Sep; 10(3): 435–438. doi: 10.4103/1305-7456.184146
71. Mei-Chi Chang, Yi-Jane Chen, Eric Jein-Wein Liou, Wan-Yu Tseng, Chiu-Po Chan, Hseuh-Jen Lin, Wan-Chuen Liao, Ya-Ching Chang, Po-Yuan Jeng, Jiiang-Huei Jeng. 7-Ketocholesterol induces ATM/ATR, Chk1/Chk2, PI3K/Akt signalings, cytotoxicity and IL-8 production in endothelial cells. Oncotarget. 2016 Nov 15; 7(46): 74473–74483.
72. Chun-Shin Chang, Christopher Glenn Wallace, Yen-Chang Hsiao, Yuh-Jia Hsieh, Yi-Chin Wang, Ning-Hung Chen, Yu-Fang Liao, Eric Jen-Wein Liou, Philip Kuo-Ting Chen, Jyh-Ping Chen, Yu-Ray Chen. Airway Changes after Cleft Orthognathic Surgery Evaluated by Three-Dimensional Computed Tomography and Overnight Polysomnographic Study. Sci Rep. 2017; 7: 12260.
73. Cheng-Ting Ho, Hsiu-Hsia Lin, Eric J. W. Liou, Lun-Jou Lo. Three-dimensional surgical simulation improves the planning for correction of facial prognathism and asymmetry: A qualitative and quantitative study. Sci Rep. 2017; 7: 40423.
74. Eric Jein-Wein Liou. Orthodontic clockwise rotation of maxillomandibular complex for improving facial profile in late teenagers with Class III malocclusion: A preliminary report. APOS Trends Orthod 2018;8:3-9.
75. Narayan H. Gandedkar, Eric Jein-Wein Liou. The immediate effect of alternate rapid maxillary expansions and constrictions on the alveolus: a retrospective cone beam computed tomography study. Prog Orthod. 2018; 19: 40. Published online 2018 Oct 15. doi: 10.1186/s40510-018-0237-x
76. Ivan A. Halim, Jae Hyun Park, Eric J. W Liou, Mohammad Zeinalddin, Yazan Sharif Al Samawi, R Curtis Bay. Preliminary study: evaluating the reliability of CBCT images for tongue space measurements in the field of orthodontics. Oral Radiology, published online 03 June 2020. doi: 10.1007/s1128 2-020-00443 -0
【 B. 11 book chapters (2000-2019) 】
1. Noordhoff SM, Chen KT, Liou EJ, Lin WY. Recent advances in the treatment of the bilateral cleft lip deformity. Ed. MB Habal, Key Issues in Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery, 2000.
2. Liou EJ. Chapter 53, Distraction of the periodontal ligament: Rapid canine retraction. In: Craniofacial Distraction Osteogenesis. Ed. M Samchukov, J Cope. Mosby, St. Louis, 2001.
3. Cope J, Liou EJ, Samchukov ML, Harper RP, Figueroa AA, Polley JW, Chen KT. Chapter 5, Tooth Movement Into Regenerate Alveolar Bone: Experimental basis and clinical results. In: Craniofacial Distraction Osteogenesis. Ed. M Samchukov, J Cope. Mosby, St. Louis, 2001.
4. Liou EJ, Chen PKT. Chapter 24, Management of maxillary deformities in growing cleft patients. In: Cleft Lip and Palate 2nd edition. Ed. Berkowitz S. Springer, New York, 2006.
5. Liou EJ, Lin JC. Chapter 15. The LOMAS system. In: OrthoTAD The Clinical Guide and Atlas. Ed. Cope JB. Under Dog Media, LP, Dallas, TX, USA, 2007.
6. Liou EJ, Lin JC. Chapter 8. Appliances, mechanics, and treatment strategies toward orthognathic-like treatment results. In: Temporary Anchorage Devices in Orthodontics. Ed. Nanada R, Uribe FA. Mosby, St. Louis, 2008.
7. Chen PKT, Chen YR, Liou EJ. Segmental maxillary osteotomies. In Comprehensive Cleft Care. Ed. Losee JE, Kirschner RE, 2009
8. Liou EJ. Chapter 13 Accelerated orthodontic tooth movement. In Evidence base orthodontics. P.179-199. Ed. Miles P. Quintessence, Chicago, 2012.
9. Lin JC, Chen LY, Liou EJ, Bowman SJ. Chapter 38. Treatment of skeletal origin gummy smiles with miniscrew implant-supported biomechanics. In Skeletal anchorage in orthodontic treatment of Class II malocclusion. P.196-203. Ed. Papadopoulos MA. Mosby-Elsevier, 2014
10. Lin JC, Liou EJ, Bowman SJ, Anka G. Chapter 39. Altering the smile line with miniscrew implant-supported biomechanics. In Skeletal anchorage in orthodontic treatment of Class II malocclusion. P.204-210. Ed. Papadopoulos MA. Mosby-Elsevier, 2014
11. Chng CK, Gandedkar NH, Liou EJ. Surgery-first orthodontic management: A clinical guide to a new treatment approach (author and co-authors for all chapters). Springer, 2019
- ﹛齒顎矯正專科﹜趙康吟醫師 / Kang Yin Chao D.D.S.
- ﹛齒顎矯正專科﹜王依靜醫師 / Jennifer YC Wang D.D.S. , MS
- ﹛齒顎矯正專科﹜劉人文醫師 / Eric Liou D.D.S. , MS
- ﹛一般牙科﹜姜毅鴻醫師 / Chiang, Yi Hung D.D.S.
- ﹛一般牙科﹜姜又慈醫師 / Chiang,Yu-Tzu D.D.S.
- ﹛一般牙科﹜黃娟娟醫師 / Huang,Chuan- Chuan D.D.S.
- ﹛一般牙科﹜竹久望醫師 / Takehisa Nozomi D.D.S. (日本醫師)
- ﹛一般牙科﹜廖家瑜醫師 / Liao, Chia-Yu D.D.S.
- ﹛牙周病專科﹜許育豪醫師 / Yuh-Hau Hsu D.D.S.
- ﹛牙周病專科﹜黃湘君醫師 / Huang,Hsiang-Chun D.D.S.
- ﹛口腔外科﹜楊其學醫師 /Chi Hsueh Yang D.D.S.
- ﹛顳顎關節專科﹜周孫隆醫師 / Sun Long Chou D.D.S, MS